Tiny Pleasures

Or more like DALL-E pleasures.

β™Ύ phil

Table of Contents

All images are generated via Open AI DALL-E.1


"a peeled hard-boiled egg lying on the beach with bright sunshine and a happy face with sun rising in the eyes"
"a peeled hard-boiled egg lying on the beach with bright sunshine and a happy face with sun rising in the eyes"


"the rim of a glass of coke fizzing with air bubbles of golden color in a black sea in a hand"
"the rim of a glass of coke fizzing with air bubbles of golden color in a black sea in a hand"


"a cute dog looking outside a glazed window of a high-rise apartment in new york city viewing midtown skyline at the golden hour"
"a cute dog looking outside a glazed window of a high-rise apartment in new york city viewing midtown skyline at the golden hour"


"### the sizzle of hot fresh salmon seared on a pan as a cartoon sketch"
"### the sizzle of hot fresh salmon seared on a pan as a cartoon sketch"

Text-to-Image GeneratorsπŸ”—


  1. Open AI DALL-E 2. ↩