Subscriptions and Services


1 min
πŸš€ tech

These are some of the subscriptions & services I use(d), and recommend.

Domains & WebsitesπŸ”—

Privacy & SecurityπŸ”—

Mass MediaπŸ”—

Personal Management & ProductivityπŸ”—

Misc. ToolsπŸ”—


  1. DNS proxied through Cloudflare also provides free SSL certificates! ↩

  2. iCloud Drive is not really end-to-end encrypted, and by the nature of Apple services, any trouble with one service can lead to suspension of the whole account. ↩

  3. TexpadTeX (Texpad’s LaTeX\LaTeX distribution) provides near realtime incremental compilation. I prefer it to Overleaf since most significant writing happens before collaboration. Most popular packages are supported. ↩